Saturday, April 9, 2011

Northern Breed Dogs and What to Name Them

Before I got my Golden Retriever Mulligan, I was the owner of a wolf-dog hybrid that was a mix of Alaskan Malamute and British Columbian timber wolf and I wanted her name to reflect her heritage. I named her Tundra. 

Besides Golden Retrievers and yellow Labs, my other favorite breeds of dog are the northern breeds, as some  are so similar in looks and behavior to their ancestor…the wolf. 

Some of the northern breeds are- 

·         Siberian Husky
·         Alaskan Malamute
·         Samoyed
·         Akita
·         Spitz
·         Chow Chow
·         and American Eskimo, just to name a few.  

If  you are planning on getting a northern breed dog you may find an appropriate name from the list of names below. 

Do not pick a name for your puppy until you actually have it. Many times a particular name sounds great, but once you see the puppy you may find that the name isn’t a good fit for one reason or another. 

In my case, I picked the name first and when I finally did see a picture of her I felt the name was a perfect fit…she just looked like a Tundra and that was it! 

Some names that you might consider- 

Alaska, Aleyeska, Alpine, Arctic, Aspen, Balto, Baree, Bear, Chinook, Denali, Freeze, Frosty, Grizzly, Igloo, Ice, Juneau, Kaia, Kavik, Kenai, Kiana, Klondike, Kodiak, Mackenzie, McKinley, Moose, Nakiska, Nanook, Shasta, Sitka, Snowball, Thor, Tundra, Yukon, White Fang, Wolf.

When we think of the “north” we tend to think of Alaska or the Arctic..there are many mountains, towns and rivers in these parts whose names may serve as an appropriate name for your northern breed dog. The name possibilities are endless. 

Whatever you choose to name your new pup…make sure it’s a name that you can live with and that fits.  You don’t want “Frosty” to get used to his name and then find that you should of named him “Thor”!!


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